Tuesday 3 February 2009

Some Introductions

Hello everybody, my name is Martin Phipps. I have been at Aston University for almost 5 years now (long story) and have finally decided to actually study Mechanical Engineering, mainly because of the challenge it provides and the many interesting subjects it covers.
My main interests are Cycling (when I get the chance to), Music, Gaming and Apple; not the fruit, although very nice to eat they are! The computers, iPods etc. I also work for them so I might be a little biased.
Oh and I am from a little place called The Wirral (or if you have no idea where that is think Liverpoooool). I love Brackets.

Hey, I'm Tom Corbett, fellow Engineer and sleep enthusiast. I began my studies following on from a love of Maths and decided to work on something with a lot of versatility; I guess it's appropriate then that I'm now sitting here blogging it up. Mechanical Engineering turned out to be a great area to apply myself and I've thoroughly enjoyed the practicality of it all; hopefully I can use some of this knowledge to analyse some of the more interesting designs out there. Specifically, I'll be looking into forces acting on these objects and how these forces affect them.

Sorry about the poor photo, I was hunting down a good daytime one for ages, they just don't exist! Looking forward to posting again soon.

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